JailBreak and UnJailbreak- the easy way(Semi-Tethered)
This is semi-tethered jailbreak which means if you restart your device you have to the same process again to jailbreak. You can again un-jailbreak to restore your device warranty and you can resell your device without hesitation
Download latest Checkn1x ISO image from the following link
Download and install etcher any Bootable USB flasher
flash Checkn1x ISO on USB flash drive
Go to BIOS settings and disable secure boot and boot with USB
Press ALT+F2 to load checkra1n
connect your iPhone DFU(Device Firmware Update) mode as guided
Device jailbroken message will display if successfully jailbroken
To UnJailBreak go to Checkra1n App in iPhone and select "Restore System".
Last updated
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