DC only validates when TGT's lifetime is more than 20 minutes. so we can even use deleted accounts KDC only checks the TGT
Golden Ticket
It has a very long lifetime like 10 years encrypted by the hash of krbtgt account First create a token on behalf of domain admin
Execute mimikatz on DC as DA to get krbtgt hash
To use the DCSync feature for getting krbtgt hash execute the below
command with DA privileges:
Using the DCSync option needs no code execution (no need to run Invoke-Mimikatz) on the target DC.
On any machine to get a golden ticket
Silver Ticket
Has a very short lifetime and gives access to the services given by the service account encrypted by the hash of service account silver tickets can issued for services like HOST(schedule tasks), CIFS(Shares), RPCSS, WSMAN
here service account is a machine account for ex. DCORP-DC$ (1000)
Command Execution with Silver ticket
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