Rooting any Android device - the easy way
Unlock Boot-Loader
Install ADB and Fastboot minimal and your android device drivers
Go to Settings -> About -> tap 8 times on built to unlock developer options
Go to Developer Settings and Turn on USB Debugging
You can unlock bootloader from developer settings by selecting "OEM Unlocking" or follow these steps
Connect to your PC and check if the device is detected by the following command "adb devices"
If the device is not detected change USB preference to MTP or MIDI from Charging mode
type following commands "adb reboot bootloader" to load bootloader or you can manually do it Button Combinations like Volume UP + power or Volume Down + Power
Now you have entered into Fastboot mode
Type following command "fastboot oem unlock" and accept the agreement on device
"fastboot reboot"
Bootloader should be unlocked successfully
Install TWRP recovery
Go to fastboot mode again by following above steps
Download TWRP image for your device from and move it to the PWD
Run this command
fastboot flash recovery [twrp file name]
fastboot reboot
after reboot "adb reboot recovery" or manually go to recovery from fastboot menu or using key combination Volume UP + power or Volume Down + Power
Above steps might not work for some devices as flashing recovery is forbidden. So directly boot to TWRP by following command
fastboot boot [twrp file name]
Device should be entered into TWRP successfully
Download latest Magisk ZIP into your device from
Go to TWRP and Flash the downlaoded Magisk ZIP file and reboot
Device should rooted sucessfully
Modify APK
Install apktool by following this
apktool d original.apk -o app_decompiled
2. replace the file then rebuilt it
apktool b app_decompiled/ -o new_pactched.apk
3. To generate the signing certificate file :
keytool -genkey -v -keystore {nameofkeystore] -alias [your_keyalias] -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity [numberofdays]
keytool -genkey -v -keystore playstore -alias likhith -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 375
4. To signing the apk file with generated certificate -
jarsigner -verbose -sigalg MD5withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore [name of your keystore] [your .apk file] [your key alias]
--- this command to signing the application once signed the apk file, verify whether your apk file is signed or not with the below command.
jarsigner -verify -verbose [path_to_your_apk] if the above verify command shows jar is signed. then its success.
keytool -genkey -v -keystore playstore -alias likhith -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 375
jarsigner -verify -verbose
Last updated
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