Docker Basics

to exit container without killing it . first press CTRL+P and then CTRL+Q

Docker Commands

docker version                            //version information
docker info                                //host information
docker pull registry:5000/alpine            //pull image
docker images ls                              //list images
docker images
docker run -dt registry:5000/alpine            //run image in background
docker run -it registry:5000/alpine            //run image in interactive mode
docker ps                                    //list running containers
docker container ls
docker inspect [container ID]                //inspect container
docker container                            //manage containers
docker image                                    //manage images
docker network ls                            //list networks
docker network                                //manage networks
docker attach [container id]                    //attach a running container
docker exec -it [container id] /bin/sh            //execute a command in container
docker stop [container id]                    //stop a running container
docker start [conatiner id]                    //start a stopped container
docker kill [container id]                    //kill a running container
//This dockerfile takes locally present alpine image as base and copies a script in it.
docker build -t registry:5000/alpine-mod        //Build Docker image

docker push registry:5000/alpine-mod            //Push the image
docker commit 182329d8e111 registry:5000/alpine-note     //Commit container as an image

docker export -o alpine.tar [container id]            //Export an image as tar archive

docker ps -a                                     //list runnin and stopped containers
docker rm [container id]                    
  //removing stopped containers 
docker rmi -f registry:5000/alpine-note            //Remove an image by name
docker rmi -f 896f0e5e18af                        //Remove an image by id
docker system prune -a                    //Remove stopped container, unused images/networks

Containered Basics

ctr --version                                            //version info
ctr images pull --skip-verify --plain-http registry:5000/alpine:latest
 //pull image
ctr images list                                            //list images
ctr container create registry:5000/alpine:latest alpine        //create container
ctr container list                                        //list containers
ctr container info                                        //check container info
ctr task start alpine                                    //Start a task

ctr task attach alpine
                                    //attach to a task
ctr task list                                                //list tasks
ctr task pause alpine                                    //pause a task
ctr tasks resume alpine
                                    //resume a task
ctr task kill -s SIGKILL alpine                            //kill a task
ctr container delete alpine                                //delete container
ctr image export alpine.tar registry:5000/alpine:latest    //export image to tar
ctr image push --skip-verify --plain-http registry:5000/alpine:latest
 //push image
ctr image rm    [image name]                                //remove image

Podman Basics

podman --version                                //version info
podman info                                    //hosts info
podman pull registry:5000/alpine                //pull image
podman images                                    //list images
podman run -dt registry:5000/alpine                //run image in background
podman run -it registry:5000/alpine sh            //run image in interactive mode
podman ps                                        //list running containers
podman inspect [container id]                        //inspect container
podman container --help                            //manage container
podman images --help                            //manage images 
podman network ls                                //list netoworks
podman network --help                            //manage networks
podman attach [container id]                    //attach to running container
podman exec -it [container id] /bin/sh            //exec cmd in running container
podman stop [container id]                         //stop container
podman kill [container id]                            //kill container
podman build -t registry:5000/alpine-mod -f containerfile  //build container
podman push registry:5000/alpine-mod                //push image
podman commit eba3ce455 registry:5000/alpine-note    //commit snapshot a container
podman export -o alpine.tar [container id]                //export image as tar
podman ps -a
podman rm [container id]                                //remove containers
podman rmi -f registry:5000/alpine-note                 //remove image by name
podman rmi -f 896f0e5e18af                                //remove image by id
podman system prune -a                                //remove stopped/unused container, image , networks

Containers with Runc

curl --insecure https://registry:5000/v2/_catalog
        //check list of repos on private docker repo
curl --insecure https://registry:5000/v2/alpine/tags/list    //check tags for alpine repo

//Pull “alpine:latest” docker image using skopeo and save it in OCI format.
skopeo --insecure-policy copy --src-tls-verify=false docker://registry:5000/alpine oci:alpine-oci:latest

//Check the image stored in OCI format.
ls -l
find alpine-oci

//Use umoci to convert OCI image to image bundle.

umoci unpack --image alpine-oci alpinefs

// Use the image bundle to create and run container using runc
runc run -b alpinefs ctrid

Last updated