Lateral Movement
To Enable Powershell Remoting(Requires Admin)
uses 5985 - http and 5986 for ssl needs local admin rights on target machine
Powershell Remoting
you can use -Credential parameter to pass credentials
StateFull Sessions
Use below to execute commands or scriptblocks:
• Use below to execute scripts from files Invoke-Command –FilePath C:\Get-PassHashes.ps1 - ComputerName (Get-Content list_of_servers)
if it shows constraint language mode you can only run built-in functions which is caused by applocker policy you can import scripts in you machine and then call the function through invoke-command
Get-AppLockerPolicy -Effective | select -ExpandProperty RuleCollections
Use below to execute locally loaded function on the remote machines
• In this case, we are passing Arguments. Keep in mind that only positional arguments could be passed this way: Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ${function:Get-PassHashes} - ComputerName (Get-Content list_of_servers) - ArgumentList
In below, a function call within the script is used Invoke-Command –Filepath C:\Get-PassHashes.ps1 - ComputerName (Get-Content list_of_servers)
Use below to execute "Stateful" commands using Invoke-Command:
Last updated
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